LiveStrong Supporter from the UK Tells of His Yellow Wristband Purchase Experience

Reading Time: 2 minutes

LiveStrong Wristband
LiveStrong wristbands orders to the UK
from the Lance Armstrong Foundation
On-line Store
are arriving eight weeks
from the time the order is placed.

Last night I received the following email from Michael Rhodes:

Im new to your site but i have noticed that alot of people seem to have questions about delays in their orders for LiveStrong bands. I appreciate the fact that you must find these constant emails very tedious. I thought it might be of some help to you to say that i ordered some of the bands from and had them shipped to me here in the UK, it took 8 weeks for them to arrive. 3-4 weeks until they despatched and a further 4 weeks shipping and clearing through customs. Alot of people over look the fact that international shipping may take longer than it does to the US. I hope this can help you answer some of those emails from those ordering internationally who are getting very impatient.

Its a great site, hope i helped in some way. [ Emphasis added. ]

I responded to Michael personally, but I want to take this opportunity to thank him for providing this valuable information. There’s clearly tremendous demand for LiveStrong yellow wristbands in the United Kingdom and little information about how quickly the Lance Armstrong Foundation is fulfilling orders. Hopefully this information will help readers from the UK who are looking for the best way to order LiveStrong wristbands for themselves and their families.



