“DJ Steveboy” Creates Podrunner Podcasts for Runners and Cyclists

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While I was on the iTunes Music Store this morning, I noticed that a new series of podcasts called Podrunner has rapidly become one of the hottest podcast series over the past few weeks. dj steveboy, a Los Angeles-area disk jockey, has created three Podrunner podcasts he describes as “fast-paced, high-energy, one-hour workout mixes”. He plans to create a new podcast every other week.

I listened to Mo Better Run, the first podcast in the Podrunner series, while working at my desk this morning. It’s a tribal and progressive house tracks mix that maintains a fairly consistant 150 beats-per-minute. It would be great for runners, road cyclists doing tempo, or people doing treadmill or spinning workouts at the gym. In a way, it reminds me of Kraftwerk’s Tour de France Soundtracks which I talked about in my iPod Cycling article back in July 2004.

dj steveboy’s website says that Podrunner was number three on the iTunes Top 100 Music Downloads on March 12. In 72 hours ending at midnight March 12, almost 10,000 iTunes users had downloaded one of the podcasts in the series. I guess that shows that there are a lot of people who are looking for workout mixes.

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