I Feel Like an Entrepreneur Again

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s actually been a couple of weeks since I last posted anything on Operation Gadget. I’ve regretted not saying anything on this site many times over this period, when I’m on a walk with my son, when I’m running or biking, or on my way to bed at night.

The good news for me has been that things seem to be going really well with my new project RinkAtlas.com. Working on RinkAtlas over the past few weeks has made me feel like an entrepreneur again, because so much of the success of RinkAtlas will come down to how well I do guerrilla marketing for it over the next month or two.

As is the case with a lot of entrepreneurial ventures, I can’t take my eye off the ball in other parts of my life. I have to keep marketing Weblog Improvement— my consulting business, because RinkAtlas isn’t paying the bills at home yet by any stretch of the imagination. I also have to reserve large blocks of time to take care of my son Jimmy, which is one of the most surprising pleasures of my life. Who would have thought that I would have looked forward to feeding a baby or pushing a stroller?

I’ve been trying to figure out an example of someone who succeeds at blogging and being an entrepreneur simultaneously. There are probably many examples, but the one name that pops up in my head most often is Guy Kawasaki. He runs Garage Technology Ventures and also has time to write a blog Signal Without Noise— a blog way more popular than Operation Gadget.

A few of my more cynical friends are about to chime in: “Sure he’s your blogging role model. You just like the fact that he raved about RinkAtlas a few weeks ago and you want another way to mention it.”

Oh, you mean when Guy Kawasaki said:

If you ever need to find a rink, this is the site to use. It’s the first mashup that I’ve found useful. 🙂

No, I really admire him for being able to run a business, be a sought after speaker, and blog at the same time. But if he likes one of my sites that much, shouldn’t I tell my readers?



