Category: Home Theater

  • 20-inch Sharp AQUOS LCD Flat-Panel is the Dream TV for My Bedroom

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMy wife and I got married a little over two years ago, and since then, we’ve been watching things like Who’s Line is it Anyway? on a trusty 20-inch television with a traditional cathode ray tube. The TV sits at the foot of our bed and, because of the height of…

  • “TiVo-To-Go is Deliberately Broken”: Cory Doctorow

    Reading Time: 2 minutesKudos to Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing for providing an honest reaction to yesterday’s TiVo’s TiVo-to-Go announcement. He hates it: The TiVo execs I’ve spoken with about this have expressed TiVo’s philosophy as “reasonable compromise” — delivering features that customers want, so long as it doesn’t make the Hollywood companies too unhappy.…

  • TiVo Announces Video Portability and HDTV Solutions at CES

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteOur friends at PVRblog have done a good job of covering the announcements that TiVo made at the Consumer Electronics Show on Thursday. It’s hard to know which of these announcements TiVo fans will consider more important. TiVo and DirecTV announced an HDTV-capable digital video recorder that will reportedly be available…

  • Low Cost DVD Players Flood the Market During 2003 Holiday Season

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI missed this article when it first appeared in the San Jose Mercury News, but yesterday The Seattle Times ran a column by Mike Langberg that discusses the large variety of inexpensive DVD players available at consumer electronic resellers. DVD players were offered as loss leaders on Black Friday this year, with…

  • Are You Really Surprised by the Replay TV Fiasco?

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMartin O’Donnell pointed out this Associated Press article that retells the story of the fiasco that ensued when ReplayTV promoted a $149 price for their 40-hour recorder with three years of programming service included, only to reneg on the deal after many units were sold by and Circuit City. There…

  • Demand for DirecTV TiVo Units Reportedly Exceeding Supply in Some Areas

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe shortage of “DirecTiVo” boxes came to light as a result of a sad story of the death of a stand-alone TiVo. From what the author said, this will have a tremendous impact on his family, who has become used to being able to precisely control their TV viewing experience.

  • The Achilles Heel of Cable Companies’ DVR Plans: Monthly Cost

    Reading Time: 2 minutesPVRblog has come up with more details about Comcast’s impending rollout of a settop box that will provide DVR and HDTV reception. Matt Haughey seems to think that this “could be another huge setback for TiVo’s financial future….” But, as a Central New Jersey Comcast customer, I’d like to point out one…

  • Reuters: Wait Until Next Year to Buy that Flat Panel TV

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn an article likely to disturb many early adopters Reuters suggests that flat panel TV fans wait until next year to buy their dream display. According to the article, “Shoppers looking for deep bargains on expensive flat-panel televisions will find only marginal discounts as the holiday season heats up, but experts…

  • PVRblog Reviews Gateway Connected DVD Player

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMatt Haughey has done a terrific review of the Gateway Connected DVD Player, a device that combines a progressive scan DVD player with a wireless media server…. Haughey has been looking for an alternative to the TiVo Home Media Option since he switched from a TiVo Series 2 DVR to DirecTV…