Category: Software

  • KeyCaps600 and KBLightsOff Recommended Add-ons for Treo 650

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteTreonauts pointed out two inexpensive utilities that help streamline keyboard use on the Treo 650. KeyCaps600 helps Treo 600 and 650 users to type faster by providing alternate ways to enter capital letters, punctuation, and symbols. KBLightsOff provides a mechanism to toggle the keyboard backlight on and off. This is an…

  • Thunderbird IMAP Support Touted in Washington Post

    Reading Time: 2 minutesA week ago, Washington Post columnist Rob Pegoraro offered two good alternatives to using Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express. The Microsoft email clients are out of date from the features perspective. My sense is that most Operation Gadget readers know enough about email clients to be able to choose one that enhances…

  • Playing with Konfabulator for Windows

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteI downloaded a copy of Konfabulator for my Windows 2000 blogging workstation. Konfabulator is a JavaScript runtime engine that lets you place widgets on your Mac OSX or Windows desktop. There are a number of neat widgets available and creation of others is simple if you know JavaScript, XML, and a…

  • Survey: One in Five British Internet Users Buy Software Advertised in Spam

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Register reports that a recent survey by Forrester Research indicated that 22 percent of British Internet users reported that they have bought software that was advertised in spam that they received. The survey was sponsored by the Business Software Alliance which probably would have been happy that so many Britons…

  • Some Applications Can Choke on Corrupted Flat File Databases

    Reading Time: 2 minutesI am planning to get back to the regular business of Operation Gadget. But, before I do, I want to close the loop on the email problems that I had last week. A lot of application software creates permanent or temporary files that act as mini databases to improve performance under certain…

  • DVD Slideshows are an Excellent Way to Use Digital Photos

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteIn today’s Wall Street Journal, Thomas E. Weber suggests that the best way to remember a vacation or a family event may be to make a DVD-based slideshow using digital photos. Weber says: After I switched from film to digital, I noticed something about my pictures. They were all great —…

  • Hexlet Releases HBlogger 2.0

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteHexlet LLC just released HBlogger Version 2.0, a weblogging client for PalmOS version 3.5 and higher. The new version has come out quickly after the initial release, and includes the following new features. Support for weblogs based on TypePad, UJournal, DeadJournal, Blurty, NeedlessPanic, Plogs, Caledia, and GreatestJournal, Upload of images, Better…

  • Hexlet Releases HBlogger Weblogging Client for PalmOS

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteHexlet LLC recently announced HBlogger, a weblogging client for PalmOS version 3.5 and higher. HBlogger supports the following blogging tools: MovableType, LiveJournal, and Blogger. I wish that my Treo 180 were working, because I’d love to download a product like this and give it a try. When I first started Operation…

  • Plugins to Improve Mozilla and Firefox Recommended by Wired News

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteLots of people are recommending that Microsoft Windows users stop using the Internet Explorer browser. If you’ve downloaded Mozilla or Firefox, you may have noticed that the user experience is a bit less refined than in the IE environment. Wired News has published an article recommending a number of plugins for…