Category: Software

  • Red Hat and Novell Bundling Open Source Version of RealPlayer with Linux

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMartin O’Donnell pointed out an article on CNET that reports that Red Hat and Novell are adding the Real Networks open source Helix Media Player to their respective Linux distributions. According to the article, these two companies will also work with RealNetworks to help integrate Helix with their operating systems…

  • Excellent Digital Photo Gallery Howto Published by MacDevCenter

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMacDevCenter has published an excellent automated digital photo gallery creation howto written by Mike Schienle of Custom Visuals, LLC. This is Mike’s first article for the O’Reilly Network, but in my opinion, it’s similar in quality to Phillip Torreone’s How-To Friday articles that have been published recently on Engadget. Mike’s article…

  • David Bowie Encourages Remixes of His Songs

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe Associated Press reports that David Bowie is encouraging people to remix his classic music with new tracks from his album “Reality”. He is running a contest on bowieNet to select the most popular remix submitted to the site, with the overall winner receiving a new Audi TT coupe. The contest…

  • Hands High Offers Wireless File Access Software for PalmOS

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteHands High Software has developed a $29.95 utility called WiFile that allows PalmOS users with wireless network support to access files on Windows, MacOS, and Samba-compatible file servers. WiFile makes use of the SMB/CIFS protocols to browse and manipulate shared directories. This is a nifty little utility that apparently began life…

  • Pocket RSS 1.3 Reviewed by Pocket PC Thoughts

    Reading Time: < 1 minutePocket RSS is one of the RSS aggregators for the Pocket PC platform. Ed Hansberry of Pocket PC Thoughts wrote a good summary of the new features and added several screenshots to provide a sense of what it’s like to use the program. This is the latest in a series of…

  • What’s on Brad Choate’s Powerbook G4

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteBrad Choate is considered a Movable Type guru. (That’s the weblogging tool that tons of sites use, including Operation Gadget.) He published a list of software that he has installed on his Macintosh since he switched to a 15-inch Powerbook G4 back in October. I’m always interested in the programs that…

  • Mobile RSS Tools Discussed by Daily Wireless

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteDaily Wireless put together an excellent article about RSS use on mobile devices. The article includes a list of RSS aggregators for platforms from the PC and Macintosh all the way down to the iPod. [ via MobileWhack ] One suggestion that the author, Phillip Torreone, makes is Syndigator, a Perl-based…

  • Stopped Evaluation of Life Balance, At Least for the Moment

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteA couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I was going to evaluate the Palm OS application called Life Balance from Llamagraphics. I never really got into it, initially because of the work required to rebuild my laptop after the hard disk died. Since I got it running again under Fedora…

  • “Linux for Non-Geeks” Recommended by Mr. Roboto

    Reading Time: < 1 minuteMartin O’Donnell has been getting a first-hand account of my foray into Fedora and has suggested that he too would like to break away from Microsoft Windows. I’ve warned him, repeatedly, that it’s not for everyone and may not be most people for a while yet. In my travels today, I…