Category: Software
PuTTY SSH Client Ported to Symbian OS for Series 60 and Nokia Communicator Series Mobile Phones
Reading Time: < 1 minutePetteri Kangaslampi and Sergei Khloupnov have ported the PuTTY SSH client application to the Symbian mobile phone operating system. The Putty for Symbian OS project currently supports the following phones: Series 60 mobile phones including: Nokia 3650, Nokia 6600, and Nokia N-Gage, as well as phones from LG Electronics, Lenovo, Panasonic,…
Intuit Discontinuing On-Line Services for Quicken 98, 99, and 2000
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOperation Gadget makes no friends in the industries that we cover when we take aggressive positions against the actions of gadget and software makers. But, I feel compelled to ask the question: What is Intuit thinking? They announced that on-line services for Quicken 98, 99, and 2000 are being discontinued in…
Trying Out “Life Balance” from Llamagraphics
Reading Time: < 1 minuteOne of the ideas I got from researching the What’s on People’s Treo 600’s article was to take the 30-day free trial of Life Balance from Llamagraphics. This is a personal productivity application that runs on Windows, Macintosh, and Palm OS. Its purpose is to help users set goals, break them…
Activesync Disconnecter Lets You Control Smartphone Behavior More Precisely
Reading Time: < 1 points out that RuttenSoft has released a utility called Activesync-Disconnecter that lets you turn Activesync off on a Smartphone running Smartphone 2003 without removing the phone from the cradle or stopping Bluetooth. Apparently, there are situations when it would be helpful to do this, but I hadn’t considered the possibility…
Microsoft Fined $621 Million by EU for Limiting Multimedia Competition
Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe BBC reports that Microsoft was fined € 500 million for limiting competition with its Windows Media Player software. At today’s exchange rates, that’s approximately $621 million. The European Union Competition Commission wants a competitive market to exist in basic multimedia software for PCs, and they believe that Microsoft has made…
What Alternatives to Garage Band Exist on Windows?
Reading Time: < 1 minuteEarlier today, Dan Iggers from Toronto asked the following question: I hope you are the right person to ask, or can point me in the right direction. My son would like to have, for his birthday, recording software akin to “Garage Band” and a microphone. We have a Pentium II or…
Easy Media Creator 7 Reviewed Favorably in Time Magazine
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI just received the March 1 issue of Time Magazine, where
District Court Ruling Jeopardizes Availability of DVD Backup Software
Reading Time: < 1 minuteMartin O’Donnell pointed out that Judge Susan Illston of the U.S. District Court in San Francisco ruled that 321 Studios must stop making software that allows users to make archival copies of DVDs, a ruling aimed at halting the sale of a 321 Studios product called DVD X Copy. According to…
MacJams Recommends GarageBand Jam Pack for Musicians Who Want their Compositions to Stand Out
Reading Time: < 1 has done the first review of Apple GarageBand Jam Pack that I’ve seen. The Jam Pack is an add-on to GarageBand, one of the components of Apple iLife ’04. The Jam Pack includes 2,046 new loops (synthetic instruments playing phrases from a musical score). Many of these loops could be…