Netflix and TiVo Join Forces to Develop an On-Demand Movie Service

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PVRblog reports that Netflix and TiVo formally announced the development of a “joint entertainment offering”, which is expected to be an on-demand movie service with content delivered securely via the Internet. The service is expected to debut sometime in 2005. This venture joins two of the most popular consumer-oriented entertainment technology companies. Netflix is already the number one on-line DVD rental company, with approximately 2 million subscribers acquired since 1998. It’s service currently delivers DVDs to its customers via the U.S. Postal Service.

TiVo also brings about 2 million subscribers to its service to the joint venture. TiVo subscribers will almost certainly need a TiVo Series 2 Personal Video Recorder or because it has internet connection capability. A number of other devices would probably also work, including the Pioneer DVR-810HS DVD Recorder which also contains a TiVo-compatible Digital Video Recorder.

This offering might be enough to make me upgrade my TiVo. My wife loves movies and may be one of the biggest fans of TiVo because it makes it possible for her to timeshift many of the programs that she wants to see or that we watch together. We are not currently Netflix customers, but I could see becoming one if content was delivered directly to our TiVo. We have the broadband connection at home already.



