Today I’m relaunching Operation Gadget, a website that will focus on Apple home automation.
I originally launched Operation Gadget on November 17, 2003. At that time, it was a weblog devoted to electronic gadgets, software, and related products. Believe it or not, hardly anyone had a weblog about gadgets at the time.
My name is Dave Aiello, and I’ve been a web developer and publishing engineer for many years. For the past 10 years, I’ve specialized in engineering the operations and hosting of websites at the company I founded, After6 Services.

I decided to get back into writing for my own website because I love writing. I also love helping people understand and work with technologies that have more potential to improve their lives than they might realize at first glance.
Home automation is that kind of technology. HomeKit, the platform created by Apple to allow its operating systems to leverage home automation, is where I’ll focus.
I hope to talk about HomeKit and Apple home automation in a broad context, and to not have Operation Gadget become a clearing house for product and service announcements. I think you and I can find that type of information elsewhere.
You can talk back to me about Operation Gadget by tweeting @daveaiello. You can email dave [at] I’d love to hear from you if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions about this site, or some experiences you’d like to relate that might improve this site’s coverage of HomeKit and related technologies.
Finally, there’s a Twitter account for @OperationGadget itself. But that account is most likely to be used to indicate new or updated articles have been published.