Category: Software

  • Using The ESPN 2010 FIFA World Cup App for the iPhone

    Reading Time: 5 minutes I like the ESPN 2010 FIFA World Cup App for the iPhone more than I expected.  Perhaps that’s because the so-called reviewers in the iTunes App Store were almost universal in their condemnation of this free app.  That’s not surprising, considering the fact that the app contains the option of purchasing…

  • Assigning Locations to OmniFocus iPhone Contexts

    Reading Time: 4 minutes My latest Inside iPhone post is called How an iPhone Can Help You Be More Productive When Commuting Via Mass Transit. One of the things I talk about in that post is the power of using location-based contexts within the OmniFocus for iPhone application. I realized while writing the Inside iPhone…

  • A Solution for iPhone Photo Saving Problems

    Reading Time: 3 minutes One of the few nagging problems I’ve experienced with my iPhone is a photo saving problem. This has been described in several different ways by other iPhone users out on the Internet: iPhone “disappearing photos” bug experienced by Jeffrey Zeldman back in November 2007. iPhone Camera Problems: Blank White Thumbnails mentioned…

  • Liveblog Transcript of the iPhone 2.0 Firmware Upgrade

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Screenshot of Twitterific Application on my iPhone: This is a screenshot of the new Twitterific Application installed on my iPhone after I performed the 2.0 Firmware Update. [ Screenshot: Dave Aiello on Flickr ] I found a way to access the iPhone 2.0 Firmware in advance of the official release through iTunes.…

  • Gadget Links: Lazy Friday Edition

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Cool Tool: StrollAway on Cool Tools: “… Once we got this hook, rather than just parking our stroller in the kitchen or dining room, we created a set, out-of-the-way place to store it. And since it’s off the floor, that gives us more space to fill up with more baby stuff.…

  • Apple Reportedly Advocated Web Development Based on SproutCore at WWDC

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I’ve seen a several tweets and articles today stating that Apple is advocating a Javascript-based Model View Controller framework for web development called SproutCore. Reports indicate that Apple based the MobileMe web application announced at WWDC on SproutCore and provided details on the framework in sessions at the Apple World Wide…

  • Buying .Mac Licenses Now to Get Access to MobileMe in July

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Over on The Apple Phone Show Blog, Liana Lehua suggested that iPhone fans buy a copy of .Mac from now in order to access MobileMe when it goes live in July. It looks like you’ll save about $30 if you do this. The only problem is that itself…

  • Sometimes Walt Mossberg is Too Polite to His Readers

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I got a bit of a kick out of the latest installment of Mossberg’s Mailbox, Do Macs Last Longer Than Windows PCs?. In it, a reader asks: Do Macs last longer than Windows PCs? I am willing to pay the additional cost for a Mac if it will last significantly…

  • iTunes Agent Lets You Manage Music on Third-Party MP3 Players, PSP, or Phones

    Reading Time: < 1 minute Jonathan Greene pointed out iTunes Agent in his Twitter feed. iTunes Agent is an Open Source Windows application that extends iTunes to allow it to work with third-party MP3 players and mobile phones. According to the website: iTunes is a great music player and organizer. Unfortunately iTunes is made to…